April 25, 2021

Essential road safety tips for night time driving

There's no doubt that nighttime driving is more dangerous than day driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics, road fatalities occur mainly during the night, with many of them resulting from drivers falling asleep behind the wheel. No matter how serious this issue is, some night trips cannot be avoided. For instance, if you're traveling long distances, you may have to do some driving in the dark if the drive is more than 12 hours. You may also have an emergency that needs you to hit the road immediately. Either way, you need to equip yourself with the necessary safety tips for comfortable night-time driving to ensure you hit the road in confidence and get back home safe. 

Below is a comprehensive list of safety tips every driver should know before venturing into that night drive.

Gain experience before driving at night

Driving at night requires more skills and experience in comparison to daytime driving. If you are new to driving, take necessary driving lessons at a reputable driving school near you. It is helpful to take driving lessons once in a few years, even as an intermediate driver. Learning helps update you on new traffic rules. You also get to learn Safety tips for driving in the dark through defensive driving lessons. These courses will help you improve your driving skills. It also reduces driving risks as you learn how to predict circumstances and make informed decisions.

Don't Drink and drive

Needless to say, drunk driving poses a more significant risk of an accident, regardless of the time of day. However, the rate of fatalities involving alcohol impairment is higher at night. The rule of thumb is never to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol. If you just had the legal limit, still pay 100% attention to your driving. Nowadays, ride-share companies are also helping people get to their destinations when they can't drive themselves. It's better to take advantage of such an opportunity and get home safe than forcing yourself to venture into a dangerous night-time drive.

Ensure Routine vehicle maintenance

Regular maintenance can help reduce car troubles that may occur at night and leave you stranded even in dangerous areas. An up-to-date oil change, battery check, and tire rotation keep your vehicle in good working condition. If your vehicle is not fully reliable, don't risk driving at night.

Replace any damaged headlights and windshields

Fixing any broken headlight or cracked windshield will also make it safer to drive at night. At a minimum, test to ensure your headlights function properly before setting for a nighttime drive as headlight misalignment can occur without warning. Many times your windshield will quickly get dirty throughout the journey. The more it built up, it increases the glare from other cars and street lights and can impair your view of the road. Touch it up using a squeegee and clean water or just a wet cloth to remove the dirt. 

Avoid staring at Oncoming Lights

Bright lights can seriously cause accidents. As you drive at night, your eyes are used to the dim glow inside the car and the dark road ahead. Staring at oncoming lights can temporarily impair your vision as your eyes adjust from the dim to bright light. This may cause you to miss important road signs or not see immediate hazards ahead. Try to look away from the high beams or signal the oncoming car to dim the headlights if possible.

Remember your eyes

Even with the best night time driving safety tips, it's nothing if your eyes are strained. Your eye plays a crucial role when it comes to driving. It's prudent to have regular eye checkups to ensure your eyes are up to the task at all times. When driving, occasionally move your eyes to reduce the effects of eye fatigue. Eye experts suggest that scanning all around your field of vision is better than focusing on one area. If you don't trust your night vision, pay a visit to your eye doctor.

 Get yourself auto insurance coverage

As you try to follow the Safety Tips for comfortable night-time driving, make sure your vehicle is covered in case of any eventuality. Remember, even the most careful drivers can get involved in accidents. What if someone hits you and they have no insurance to repair your vehicle? With auto insurance from a reputable agent, you can save yourself from paying out of your pocket when accidents you're liable for and also cover yourself and your passengers in case of medical emergencies after a collision.